Come, Join Us

A Hull Plan Lake membership is just $100 a year, or $60 if you're 65 or over. That's less than a 90-minute massage, and yet it provides relaxation ALL YEAR, for EVERYONE IN YOUR HOUSEHOLD.  How can you go wrong?  

Send a check, payable to "The Hull Plan Lake Association," to:

Josh Kamerer, Treasurer

112 Beechwood Blvd

Butler, PA  16001 

Who Can Join?

To be a member,  you must:

  1. Live in a Lake neighborhood
  2. Be a homeowner.
  3. Be over 21.

Membership covers everyone living in your household.

The Fine Print

  • Dues cover one year, January 1 - December 31, and they include everyone in your household. 
  • Once your payment is received, we'll send you the combination to the gate - and you're in! You will receive your gate combo even faster if you include a phone number or email address on your membership slip.
  • You can rest assured that your money will be used wisely.  (Our Treasurer is a tightwad!)  Dues are used to make improvements, maintain the property, pay the bills, and provide supplies for super-fun events.
  • All of the legwork - planning and running events, cleaning up, cutting the grass, making this Website, managing the books - is done by volunteers.  (Hint, hint.)