Where Does All the Money Go?

Think your dues are just for the events?  Think again!  Keeping the Lake and Park in tip-top shape can be costly.  In recent years, member dues have allowed us to add a pavilion and pave the driveway.  In 2015, expenses included:

  • Maintenance supplies for the pavilion, dock, and lawn care
  • Aquatic Edge for reduction of overgrowth in lake.
  • Portable toilet installation and maintenance.
  • Electric service.
  • Limestone to edge the driveway and parking area.

In 2016, we'll have those expenses and a few others, including:

  • Removal and repair of damaged dock
  • Purchase of the property that the Lake driveway goes across.
  • Removal of trees from dam area - required by the PA Dept. of Environmental Protection.

For a complete Treasurer's Report, contact Brad Cavaliero.